CE-5 Experience registration is not confirmed without a signed liability waiver. Click on this link to read and sign your waiver.
Click Here for Waiver FormTHIS IS A SEPARATELY TICKETED EVENT. CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW TO PURCHASE TICKETS. ONCE YOUR TICKET IS PROCESSED IN SCHED, YOU WILL RECEIVE NOTIFICATION THAT YOU HAVE BEEN ENROLLED IN THIS SESSION.Click here to purchase CE-5 ticketUDPATED LOCATION DUE TO PREDICTED WEATHER CONDITIONS LOCATION: Event Venue - Sedona Performing Arts Center, Main TheaterMiaura Danilov & Sheila Knies Guide a CE-5 Protocol E.T. Contact ExperienceThe meditation journey will be held in the main theater at the Sedona Performing Arts Center, the event venue, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. Attendees will be invited to sit on blankets on the stage. Attendees who prefer to sit in a chair may sit in the first row of chairs directly in front of the stage.
For the Skywatch portion of this Experience from 6:30 to 7:30 pm, UFO guide Sheila Kniess will determine if the conditions are conducive to conducting the SkyWatch in the parking lot adjacent to the event venue.
If weather conditions do not permit an outdoor Skywatch, Sheila will give an eye-opening, heart-expanding presentation about her decades of contact with E.T.’s and UFO’s!
About the Experience: This is much more than a sky-watching experience. Following CE-5 protocols, participants will be invited to engage in a profound inner process that shifts the focus of this experience inward rather than skyward.-5 Experience.
Miaura Danilov is a proactive CE5 Ambassador for the Disclosure Project with Dr. Steven Greer. With her CE5 contact experience, Miaura guides a telepathic meditation journey incorporating Dr. Greer's protocols, which include specific frequencies/tones, mantra meditation, coherent thought sequencing, and a puja/yajna fire or smoke offering ceremony. Aligned with the natural rhythms, together with participants, she sends peace messages out to all civilizations, hoping to achieve peaceful contact with any visitors and potentially see them in the skies within space and time.