Michelle Phillips is an internationally renowned psychic medium, healer, speaker, teacher, author and workshop facilitator. She refers to herself as an old timer, spiritually, because she has been doing spiritual work her whole life. She was born conscious of her gifts and has always had a direct connection to Source.
She is of the Melchizedek Order and is a conscious channel for Jesus, the Creator, Source energy. At the age of three, she started taking herself into her past lives. Michelle refers to Christ as her “main man.” He has been with her from a very young age and has always been her spiritual teacher, mentor, and confidant. Jesus has taught Michelle many healing techniques through her own healing processes. She began her conscious spiritual work after healing her son from a severe kidney ailment. After such a powerful experience, she has dedicated her life to her spiritual purpose and mission, assisting others in their Soul’s Awakening, self-love, and purpose, co-creating Heaven on Earth in all life forms.
Michelle is also known as the Healers’ Healer. She has been referred to as an Inter-Galactic Shaman because of her knowledge and ability to travel through many dimensions – Light/Dark, Shadow, Above and Below. Many people come to Michelle as a last resort when everything else has failed, and from her work, they experience life-changing transformations.
She has appeared on various radio and TV shows worldwide. For over 5 years she was the host of the very popular live call-in spiritual television show, “Soul’s Awakening”. She was the co-host of the radio show “Soul’s Purpose Salon” and while living in Northern California, she started the monthly “Spiritual Connection Breakfast”. In the 90s, Jesus introduced her to Ashtar, who physically manifested in her living room. Ashtar told her of her higher purpose and started assisting others in her weekly classes to raise their frequency into their higher vibrational selves and purpose. Clients would then come to Michelle and blurt out, “I had missing time” or “I saw a UFO and didn’t remember it until now." Michelle then realized her vibration was high enough to activate the memories in them.
The Etherians, who work directly with Ashtar, started appearing and together with Michelle they would pull implants, abduction programming, etc. out of people. Then Jesus, Ashtar, and her higher spiritual team took her through a “Dark Night of the Soul” that, at times, she wasn't sure she would make it through. From this Soul’s Awakening, she learned how to take people through their own shadows to disconnect from the timelines of the multidimensional collective shadow that is being played out on our planet now.
While in India in 2004, Michelle went through an NDE and was told that she needed to come back to Earth. She did not want to come back but was told that because of her understanding of the Shadow, she was needed here. Unexpectedly, the Creator then channeled their first book through her, “The Creator Speaks.” It was so far ahead of its time that only now is information in the book being shared and talked about more braodly. All of her channeled books are DNA activators.