Viviane Chauvet is an advanced Arcturian Being, Galactic Ambassador, Multi-Species Healer, and International Teacher. Her Soul Avatar Essence represents the true nature of the Arcturian star nation and their mastery. As an ancient oracle, she navigates star systems, assisting civilizations on the verge of evolutionary ascension. Her interstellar delegation collaborates closely with the Federation of Light, various interplanetary councils, and the Cosmic Board. Star beings from all over the multiverse recognize the Arcturians as diplomats and ambassadors. We utilize Holographic technology to interact with other species as a soft disclosure process for conscious interactions. We assist humanity in changing the morphic resonance field of the planet and stepping out of isolation and separation from their cosmic origins.
Viviane has been a prominent figure in the spiritual and extraterrestrial communities for over a decade, inspiring and guiding lightworkers and star seeds. Viviane has spoken at conferences worldwide and featured on radio shows, online summits, and award-winning documentaries. Viviane created the Arcturian Energy Matrix Healing® and the Healing Arts Program for self-mastery, ascendancy, and metamorphosis evolution. Now in its sixth season, Viviane hosts the well-known "The Infinite Star Connections" Podcast. Her advanced quantum healing work and teachings have reached thousands of people around the globe on five continents. Her collaborative bestselling book series, "Wisdom of the Silver Sisters," is a testament to her knowledge and wisdom.
Founder of the Arcturian University for Universal Consciousness, Viviane offers unique memberships and transformative experiences in a loving and engaging Community atmosphere. Our offerings include master classes, monthly Arcturian holographic healing chambers group events, Starseed meditation series, workshops, global initiative meetings, and retreats for members! Her recent work in Uluru, Australia, with the Etheric Elders and the Original Pleiadian Builders has reawakened one of the planet's most ancient and significant portals in the human holographic conscious timeline.
For more information, visit her website at our Arcturian University for Universal Consciousness: